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The History of the Christmas Wreath

Visit an American home during the holiday season and you will likely see a Christmas wreath, if not multiple ones. The word wreath is derived from an English word that means to twist, and this may help to explain the traditional shape of this item. What is the history of this popular decoration? Why do so many choose to make the wreath an important part of their decorating scheme?

The Winter Solstice

The wreath traces its origins back to the ancient Celts in Europe. They celebrated the holidays during the Winter Solstice and decorated to celebrate the sun's return or perhaps the birth of a god. Boughs of holly were used to decorate during this time, and today many wreaths are made using holly or an artificial material that resembles this plant with its red berries and vibrant green leaves.

The Shape

Why is a wreath circular? This is a question many people never stop to ask but should. In ancient Rome, individuals wore coronas or wreaths on their head. Furthermore, warriors returning from battle were provided with wreaths for their head. To distinguish royalty from the common folk, golden coronas were used, and these golden wreaths were also through to commemorate the gods.

New Uses for a Wreath

People begin to places wreaths on graves in the early nineteenth century. The wreaths would remain on the graves until the holiday season. As this time, the family would bring the wreaths home to use as decorations.


The circle symbolizes preparations for the upcoming birth of Jesus, according to Christians. Pagans, in contrast, celebrate Yule and feel the wreath represents divinity or eternity. Made using evergreen branches, the wreath is seen to symbolize the earth's life which is everlasting and never truly perishes.

Regardless of why a person chooses to decorate the home with wreaths during the holiday season, these items are sure to bring warmth and cheer to the residence. Many people elect to purchase these items from Worcester Wreath because they wish to support wreaths across america. This program was started to ensure every grave in Arlington Cemetary received a wreath. Today, it has expanded to include cemeteries across America as every veteran deserves to have their grave adorned during the holidays. With each purchase from this company, achieving this goal becomes easier.
